First Semester : 15 Credit Hours
MKT511: Marketing Management 3 Cr.
ECO512: Managerial Economics 3 Cr.
MSC514: Statistical Methods 3 Cr.
MGT515: Organizational Behavior 3 Cr.
MGT519: Managerial Communication 3 Cr.
Second Semester : 15 Credit Hours
FIN510: Financial Management 3 Cr.
MGT513: Human Resource Management 3 Cr.
MSC517: Production and Operations Management 3 Cr.
ACC517: Management Accountancy 3 Cr.
MGT518: Business Environment 3 Cr.
Third Semester : 15 Credit Hours
ACC519: Accounting for Financial and Managerial Decision and Control 3 Cr.
MSC521: Research Methodology 3 Cr.
MGT522: International Business 3 Cr.
MGT524: Entrepreneurship 3 Cr.
Specialization Course (Any One from Group A)
FIN687: Financial Derivatives and Market 3 Cr.
FIN688: Corporate Finance 3 Cr.
ACC685: Corporate Taxation 3 Cr.
ACC686: Cost Management 3 Cr.
MGT687: Recent Trends in Management 3 Cr.
MGT688: Organizational Theory 3 Cr.
MKT691: Advertising and Promotion Management 3 Cr
MKT692: Rural Marketing 3 Cr.
Fourth Semester : 15 Credit Hours
MGT523: Strategic Management 3 Cr.
Specialization Courses (Any Two from Group B)
FIN685: Financial Markets and Institutions 3 Cr.
FIN686: International Financial Management 3 Cr.
FIN689: Investment Management 3 Cr.
FIN690: Insurance: Theory and Practice 3 Cr.
FIN691: Commercial Bank Management: Theory and Practice 3 Cr.
MKT685: Consumer Behavior 3 Cr.
MKT686: International Marketing 3 Cr.
MKT687: Brand Management 3 Cr.
MKT688: Sales Management 3 Cr.
MKT689: Retail Management 3 Cr.
MKT690: Services Marketing 3 Cr.
ACC687: Contemporary Auditing 3 Cr.
ACC688: Accounting Theory and Financial Reporting 3 Cr.
ACC689: Management Control Systems 3 Cr.
ACC690: Balance Scorecard: A Tool for Performance Measurement 3 Cr.
MGT685: Organizational Development and Change 3 Cr.
MGT686: Quality Management 3 Cr.
MGT689: Performance Management 3 Cr.
MGT690: Leadership and Communication 3 Cr.
The course Sociology offers altogether 18 papers and a compulsory thesis in fourth semester. Out of them there are 14 compulsory papers from first to fourth semester. The student may opt for three optional courses in the third and one in the fourth semester.
The objective of these courses is to impart up-to-date knowledge of the theories and methods of sociology to the students along with training in field-work and secondary data analysis. The second objective is to provide skilled human resource for Nepal development needs. The third objective is to inculcate in the students the spirit of human rights and social justice. Thus the overall objective is to develop professional skill, in both theory and research, in sociology in the students of this discipline at a par with those of other countries.
Admission Criteria
A student holding a Bachelor degree in any of the following subjects recognized by Tribhuvan University is considered eligible to apply for admission.
- Sociology; Anthropology; Social Work; Nepalese History, Culture and Archaeology; Psychology; history; Home Science; Geography; Economics; and Political Science
- Any discipline from faculty of education, management and law
- Any discipline from institute of medicine, engineering, forestry, agriculture and animal science
An applicant seeking admission to M.A. Sociology must appear in an Entrance Examination of one hour’s duration conducted by the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University. The applicant who fails to appear in the Entrance Examination or to obtain a minimum qualifying score will not be given admission. Admission of the students will be based strictly on the merit list and on the enrollment capacity of the Central Department of Sociology/Campus.
Duration of the Course and Examinations
The duration of the course is of two years with four semesters. There is an university examination, in each six months, at the end of each semester. Eighty percent of the attendance in the class is compulsory.