meritking BEd – NR College


NR College, Nepaltar, Kathmandu

Bachelor degree of Education Studies (BEd Four Year)

Since 1996 Tribhuvan University (TU) has been implementing three-year Bachelor programmes with annual examination system in Faculties of Education, Management and Humanities and Social Sciences and Institute of Science and Technology. Recently, duration of Bachelor programmes in those faculties and institute has been made four years by adding one more year. In conformity with this, Faculty of Education (FoE) is going to introduce four-year Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) with two specialization subject areas (specialization major and specialization minor subject) in 2072 BS instead of offering single specialization area like in three-year B.Ed.

Accordingly, students of four-year B.Ed. programme will have to study one subject area as specialization major and the next as specialization minor area selecting from among Nepali Education, English Education, Health and Physical Education and Population Education. Students may also study one of the courses from among Health Education, Physical Education, vocational education, Primary Education, Early Childhood Development Education, Non-formal Education and Education Management as specialization minor.

Four-year B.Ed. with annual examination system is a professional as well as academic programme designed for preparing competent teachers who can teach two subjects at secondary level. In Nepal, nearly 500 private/community campuses are offering 4 years B.Ed program with affiliation from Tribhuvan University.

Program Structure

First year course

Core Course

Nep Ed.401 General Nepali (Th 100)
Eng.Ed.411 General English (Th 100)
Ed.412 Philosophical & Sociological Foundation of Education (Th 100)

Major course

English Education

Eng.Ed.416 Foundation of Language and Linguistics Th 100
Eng.Ed.417 Reading, writing and Critical Thinking Th 100

Nepali Education

Nep.Ed.416 नेपाली कथा र उपन्यास Th 100
Nep.Ed.417 नेपाली नाटक र निबन्ध Th 100

Health Education

Hp.Ed.416 Foundation of Health Th 100
Hp.Ed.417 Foundation of Physical Health Th 100

Population Education

Pop.Ed.416 Foundation of population Th 100
Pop.Ed.417 Quality of Life Th 100

Minor Subjects

Nep.Ed.418: नेपाली कथा (Th 100)

POP.Ed.418: Foundation of population (Th 100)

HP.Ed.418: Foundation of Health (Th-80)

Eng.Ed.418 Foundation of Lan & Ling (Th 100)

Bachelor’s in education 2nd Year

Core Course

Ed.421 Educational Psychology Th 100

English Education 

Eng. Ed. 422 Reading In English T+P 80+20
Eng.Ed.423 Expanding horizons in English Th 100
Eng.Ed.424 English For Communication Th 100

नेपाली शिक्षा

Nep.Ed.422 भाषा बिज्ञान र नेपाली भाषा Th 100
Nep.Ed.433 नेपाली कबिता र काव्य Th 100
Nep.Ed,424 नेपाली भाषा पाठ्यक्रम, पाठ्य पुस्तक तथा शिक्षण Th 100

His.Ed.432 History Education (Method of Teaching History) Th 100

Third Year Course

Core Course

Ed.431 Curriculum & Evaluation Th 100

Major Course

English Education Eng.Ed.432 English Language Teaching Methods T+P 80+20
Eng.Ed.433 English for Mass Communication Th 100
Eng.Ed.434 Academic Writing Th 100

Nepali Education

Nep.Ed.432 नेपाली भाषा Th 100
Nep.Ed.433 प्रायोगिक भाषा बिज्ञान Th 100
Nep.Ed.434 व्यावहारिका लेखान र भाषा सम्पादन Th 100

Health Education

HP.Ed.432 Teaching Health and Physical Th 100
HP.Ed.433 Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology Th 100
Hp.Ed.434 Basics and Research in HPE Th 100

Population Education

Pop.Ed.432 Method of teaching Pop. Ed Th 100
Pop.Ed.433 Population Health Th 100
Pop.Ed.434 Basic Research in Population Ed. Th 100

Fourth Year Subject in bachelor’s degree in education

Core Course

Ed.441 Teaching Practice Th 100
Ed.442 Instruction Technology

Major Course

English Education Eng.Ed.445 Translation Theory and Practice T+P 80+20
Eng.Ed.446 Literature for Language Development Th 100

नेपाली शिक्षा

Nep.Ed,445 साहित्यशासत्र र नेपाली समालोचना Th 100
Nep.Ed.446 शोधबिधी र कार्यमुलक अनुसन्धान Th 100

Health Education

Hp.Ed.445 School health and Health Promotion Th 100
Hp.Ed.446 Sports Training in physical Education Th 100

Population Education

Pop.Ed.445 Fundamental of sexual and Reproductive Health Th 100
Pop.Ed.446 Seminar and Project in Population Education Th 100