YearCompulsory SubjectMajor SubjectMinor SubjectTotal marks 
First Year  1. Nep. 401 Nepali 2. Eng.411General English 3. Ed. 412 Foundation of Education  Major 416 Major 416  Minor 418  600
Second Year  1.Ed.421Educational PsychologyMajor 422 Major 423 Major 424  Minor 428 Minor 429    600
Third Year    1. Ed.431 Curriculum and EvaluationMajor 432 Major 433 Major 434  Major 438/39  500
Fourth  Year  1. Ed. 440 Teaching Practice 2. Ed.442 Classroom InstructionMajor 445 Major 446  Minor 449500
During the 4 YRS1.Communication Skills: 200 marks 2. Core Course: 500 marks Total:700                                 Major Course: 1000 MarksMinor Course: 500 MarksTotal :2200 marks

Faculty of Education is a leading institution in the field of teacher education in Nepal. The main goal of FOE is to produce educational manpower as a trained teachers, teacher educators, and educational researchers. It also produces the educational planners and managers, educational researchers, curriculum designer and all sorts of human resources needed for the educational sector of the country through its different programmes.

FOE aims to transcend knowledge, skills and abilities through a sound pedagogical system in order to prepare educated manpower well equipped with sound knowledge and functional capacities.

The main objective of FOE is to develop itself as a center of excellence for research studies in teacher education, teacher training, educational development and research, and to commit itself as one of the contributing partners for the national development. Specific Objectives To prepare trained teachers for the school of the country, To produce teacher educators, education specialists, education managers and administrators, To contribute to the growth and development of the education sector  of the country.